Therapists Describe The Results Of Using The Lefkoe Method In Their Work
"The profound changes that have occurred in clients with whom I've used The Lefkoe Belief Process have awed them and me. I've seen phenomenal inter- and intra-psychic change in them. What is most encouraging about the change is that it seems to be immediately integrated into their lives. Moreover, it appears to last for years."
Sara Staehle, M.F.C.C., Psychotherapist
"The Lefkoe Belief Process is able to change the emotional power of the unconscious brain-wired beliefs we form in childhood. The client doesn't realize these beliefs are distorting his perception of reality. When the LBP 'unwires' the beliefs, the distortions go away."
Edith Jurka, M.D., Psychiatrist
"The Lefkoe Emotional Processes work especially well with phobias, weight loss and anger management. They resolve the fears associated with a wide variety of issues faster than any other technique."
Renee Hansen, M.A., Psychotherapist
"Learning how to use the Lefkoe Belief Process was much more valuable than graduate school. Shifts in self-perception and awareness which in the past might have taken several months to achieve are now happening weekly. The LBP is an invaluable tool which melds seamlessly with the psychodynamic model of psychotherapy."
Doug Warhit, M.F.C.C., Psychotherapist
"Morty Lefkoe has discovered an easy, effective way to overcome problematic patterns and beliefs in one's life. I have personally and professionally experienced his Lefkoe Belief Process and its positive, life-altering results. I am convinced Morty's book, Re-create Your Life, his Lefkoe Method workshops, and his techniques should be read, attended and applied by psychotherapists everywhere."
Heidi Hendler, M.A., M.F.T., Psychotherapist
"I have been a licensed therapist for over 25 years and I consider The Lefkoe Method to be the most effective tool I have learned and used to support and facilitate significant transformation in my clients' lives. The Lefkoe Method is elegant, profound, and pragmatic. I have used it to address and resolve family of origin issues, psychodynamics, cognitive-behavioral problems, parenting problems, issues of co-dependency and some aspects of post traumatic stress disorder. I especially enjoy assisting my clients in de-conditioning emotions such as fear and shame from many of the aspects of life that are essential for ongoing functioning, such as negotiating, confronting, asking for something, setting boundaries, saying no, and making mistakes. Additionally, the processes repeatedly support and strengthen the transpersonal dimension for the individual so that the work is both psychological and spiritual at the same time. I love it!!!"
Barbara Witney, M.F.T., Psychotherapist
"The Lefkoe Belief Process is a highly effective way to quickly overcome destructive patterns and negative core beliefs from clients' lives. It starts producing positive, life altering changes in them after only a few months of weekly sessions. To quote one client with Bi-Polar Disorder and drug addiction (now in recovery): 'I'm amazed about how the puzzle pieces continue to come together. I'm beginning to feel whole.' This client went from living on disability and being unemployed, to being gainfully employed with full insurance coverage and regaining custody of his young daughter."
Elisabeth Wassenaar, M.A., M.F.T., Psychotherapist
"I've been in practice for 30 years and I have found all of The Lefkoe Processes the most effective method for deeply meaningful brief treatment, both personally and professionally."
Peggy Carter, M.F.T., Psychotherapist